Abscesses —Slippery
Elm, Burdock,
Devil's Claw,
Pau D'Arco
Acne — Sk-F,
Red Clover (See
Blood Purifiers also), Shea
Age Spots — Fo-Ti-Tieng,
Gotu-Kola, FE-Y,
SH, Sk-F,
Shea Butter
AIDS — C-1
& CKLS & Chaparral
& Freed-Om,
Suma, Power
Purifier , Red
Clover, Power
Food, Power
Green, Power
Cleanser, Power
Air Pollution — Devil's
Claw, Vitamin
C, Gotu Kola,
Power Food
, Mullein
Allergies — Bee
Pollen, RH,
C-FU, Mullein
(respiratory), Lobelia,
Power Food
, Power
Green, Power
Cleanser, Power
Alzheimer's Disease —Power
Purifier , Freed-Om,
Power Food
, Power
Green, CKLS,
Cleanser, HE-RT,
Anemia —4-PG,
Alfalfa, Kelp,
HE-RT, Dandelion,
Capsicum, Power
Green, Power
Food, Black Strap Molasses (available in health food stores only)
Aneurysm — Butcher's
Broom, Gingkgo,
Angina —Blessed
Thistle, Hawthorn
Berries, Garlic,
Angina Pectoris —Hawthorn
Anxiety —NVS,
Valerian, Gingkgo,
St. John's Wort,
Black Cohosh,
Wood Betony
Aphrodisiac —RH
& SH,
Damiana, Yohimbe,
Saw Palmetto
Appetite —CKLS
Arrhythmias —Hawthorn
Berries, Butcher's
Broom, Gingkgo,
Arteriosclerosis —BP-1,
Hawthorn Berries,
Devil's Claw,
Butcher's Broom
Arthritis —Art
& Yucca, Art,
CKLS, Black
Cohosh, Wild Yam,
Yucca, Lobelia,
Hydrangea (calcium
deposits), Horsetail,
Devil's Claw
(also rheumatoid), Power
Food, Power
Green, Power
Cleanser, Power
Astigmatism —Power
Food, Power
Green, Power
Cleanser, CKLS,
HE-RT, Power
Asthma —Bee
Pollen, Comfrey
& Fenugreek, Slippery
Elm, Mullein,
Nettle, Wild
Yam, Lobelia
(acute attack), Power
Food, Power
Green, Power
Cleanser, Power
Autoimmune Disease —Power
Food, Power
Green, Power
Cleanser, CKLS,
Freed-Om, Power
Back Pain —Uva Ursi, Devil's Claw (lower), (Also see Arthritis)
Bad Breath —Alfalfa, CKLS, DA, Goldenseal
Baldness —HIR, Nettle, Horsetail
Bedwetting —Uva Ursi, Horsetail, St. John's Wort
Bee Stings & Insect Bites —Comfrey & Fenugreek
Benign Prostate(BPH) —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, RH & SH, Sarsaparilla,
Bipolar Disease (Manic-Depression) —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , St. John's Wort (not recommended), NVS, Valerian
Bladder —Uva Ursi, Red Clover, Hydrangea (stones & infection), Horsetail, Devil's Claw (strengthens)
Bleeding — Nettle (Internal & External), Horsetail (Internal)
Blood Pressure —BP-1, BP-2, Devil's Claw, Garlic, Hawthorn Berries, HE-RT, Butcher's Broom, Dong Quai, Valerian, Gotu Kola, Capsicum, Nettle (high blood pressure)
Blood Purifier —Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Blood Thinner -Capsicum, HE-RT
Boils — Freed-Om, Red Clover
Brain —Blessed Thistle (circulation to), Gotu Kola, Gingko & Gotu Kola, FE- Y, GGFCFE-Y, Gingko, GGFC
Brain Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Breasts —Damiana, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle
Breast Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Power Balancer, AG-7
Bronchitis —Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Red Clover, Nettle, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss (chronic)
Bruises —Art (Arthritis), Vitamin C, Comfrey & Fenugreek
Burns —Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera (the plant)
Bursitis —Art (Arthritis), CKLS, Yucca
Calcium Deposits — Blessed Thistle
Cancer — C-1, Suma, Red Clover, Blessed Thistle, Dandelion, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Candidiasis -Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Canker Sores —Lobelia, Freed-Om
Capillary Weakness —Butcher's Broom
Cataracts —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Catarrh —Hyssop (chronic), Burdock, Lobelia
Celiac Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Cervical Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Power Balancer, AG-7
Chicken Pox — Freed-Om, Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Purifier
Childbirth —4-PG, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Lobelia, Red Raspberry
Childhood Diseases —Lobelia, Yellow Dock, Burdock, Catnip Tea (everything for very small children)
Chlamydia —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Cholesterol —Suma, Hawthorn Berries, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Yucca, Chickweed, Hyssop, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Chronic Illness —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om
Circulation —Capsicum, Butcher's Broom, Dong Quai, Garlic, Suma, Horsetail, Blessed Thistle, Black Cohosh, Vitamin C
Cirrhosis —Milk Thistle
Cleansing —CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada
Colds —C-FU, Freed-Om, CKLS, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Astragalus, Red Raspberry, Garlic, Pennyroyal, Lobelia (expectorant), Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier
Colic —CKLS, Ginger, Pennyroyal, Wild Yam
Colitis —Slippery Elm, Goldenseal, Pau D'Arco, Licorice, Ginger, Cascara Sagrada, Dandelion
Colon —CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Slippery Elm, Cascara Sagrada
Colon Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Congestion —Lobelia, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Hyssop
Constipation — CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser
Contagious Diseases —BP-1, BP-2, Garlic, Lobelia
Convulsions —RH, SH, NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Black Cohosh, Irish Moss
COPD -Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Coughs —Licorice, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Hyssop, Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Cramps, Muscle —Alfalfa, Comfrey & Fenugreek
Cramps, Stomach — Ginger
Crohn's Disease —Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Croup —NVS, Garlic, Mullein, Lobelia
Cystic Fibrosis —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Dandruff — HIR, Sk-F, Wormz-B-Gone, Black Walnut, Burdock, Shea Butter
Depression — NVS, F-EY, St. Johns Wort, Valerian, Blessed Thistle, Siberian Ginseng, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Dementia —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Gotu Kola, Gingko & Gotu Kola
Diabetes —Uva Ursi & CKLS & 4-PG & FE-Y & Freed-Om, Goldenseal, Schizandra, Horsetail, Devil's Claw, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Diaper Rash —Olive Oil, Slippery Elm, Shea Butter, Aloe Vera (the plant)
Diarrhea —CKLS, DA, Red Raspberry, Nettle, Noni (Juice), Mullein, Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Digestion —DA, CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermin, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada,Wild Yam, Capsicum, Ginger
Dizziness —CKLS, Aloe & Peppermin, 4-PG, Gingko, Schizandra
Douche —Goldenseal, Garlic
Drug Withdrawals —RH, SH, FE- Y & Freed-Om
Dysentery —CKLS, SH, Nettle, Mullein, Hawthorn Berries
Earache — Lobelia
Ear Infections —Lobelia
Eczema —Sk-F, CKLS, Nettle, Shea Butter, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Edema —HE-RT, Hawthorn Berries, Garlic, Nettle
Emphysema —Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia
Endurance & Energy —Bee Pollen, Capsicum, GGFC, RH, SH, Miracle 2000, Dandelion, Olympic Tone, Fo-Ti-Tieng, Korean Red Ginseng, Suma, Schizandra
Epilepsy —FE-Y, RH, SH, Lobelia
Eyes —E-YE, Eyebright, Goldenseal, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Endometriosis —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Damiana & Freed-Om
Fatigue —RH & SH, GGFC, Bee Pollen, Schizandra, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Female Problems —AG-7, Blessed Thistle, Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Damiana, Dong Quai, Wild Yam, Sarsaparilla, Power Balancer
Fever — NVS, Catnip(Children), Valerian, Red Raspberry, Lobelia, Blessed Thistle
Fever blisters —Freed-Om, Power Purifier , (Also see Blood Purifiers)
Fibroid Tumors —Damiana & Freed-Om & CKLS & C-1, Power Food /Power Green, Power Cleanser / CKLS, Freed-Om/Power Purifier , AG-7/Power Balancer/Damiana
Fibromyalgia — Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Fingernails —RH, SH, HIR, Kelp, Horsetail
Flu (Influenza any strain)—C-FU, CKLS, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Astragalus, Black Seed, Red Raspberry, Garlic, Pennyroyal, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Food Poisoning — Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Gallbladder & Gallstones —CKLS & Olive Oil, Hydrangea, Blessed ThistleDandelion, White Oak Bark, Gotu Kola, Dandelion, root, Cascara Sagrada, Milk Thistle
Gas —DA, CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada, Wild Yam
Genital Herpes —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Glands —RH, SH, FE-Y, GGFC, 4-PG, Mullein (swollen), Schizandra, Irish Moss, Horsetail, Kelp, Black Seed, Noni (Juice)
Gonorrhea —Freed-Om, Goldenseal; Hydrangea, Uva Ursi, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Goiter —Kelp, Black Walnut, Irish Moss, Schizandra
Gout —Art (Arthritis), Yucca, Alfalfa, Burdock, Nettle, Chickweed, Hydrangea, Butchers Broom, CKLS, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Lobelia, Horsetail, Devil's Claw
Gravel —Butcher's Broom, Uva Ursi
Grave's Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Gums —Capsicum
Hair Loss —HIR, Horsetail, Nettle, Sage
Halitosis —CKLS, Alfalfa, Parsley
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Hay Fever —Comfrey & Fenugreek, 4-PG, Alfalfa, Bee Pollen, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Headache —NVS, Ginger, Wood Betony, Lobelia, Devil's Claw, Blessed Thistle, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Heart —HE-RT, Capsicum, Red Raspberry, Hawthorn Berries, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Schizandra, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Circulator
Heartburn —7 Day Cleanse, 12 Day Super Cleanse, DA, CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermin, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada, Wild Yam
Hemochromatosis —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Hemorrhage External —Capsicum, White Oak Bark, Mullein
Hemorrhage Internal —Capsicum, White Oak Bark, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein
Hemorrhoids —CKLS, White Oak Bark (external/soothing paste), Butcher's Broom
Hepatitis — Freedom, C-1, 4-PG, F-EY, Milk Thistle, Lobelia, CKLS, Burdock, Dandelion, Wild Yam, Red Clover, BP-1, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Purifier
Hernia — Capsicum, Ginger
Herpes —Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
High Blood Pressure —BP-1, BP-2, HE-RT, Noni (Juice), Garlic, Nettle, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Devil's Claw
HIV —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om
Hoarseness —Licorice Root
Hodgkin's Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Hormone Imbalance —Damiana (fibroids; women for libido; men), AG-7(women), Power Balancer (both), BP-1(women), Red Raspberry(women), Black Cohosh(women), Wild Yam(women), Sarsaparilla (both), RH & SH (men; women for energy/libido), Saw Palmetto (men), Korean Red Ginseng (men)
Hot Flashes —AG-7, Damiana, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Sarsaparilla, BP-1, Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam
HPV(Human Papilloma Virus) —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om
Hyperactivity —NVS, Lobelia, Valerian
Hyperglycemia —Capsicum, Burdock, Licorice Root
Hypoglycemia —RH, SH, Burdock, Licorice Root, Noni (Juice)
Impotency —RH & SH, Schizandra, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Indigestion —CKLS, DA, Capsicum, Ginger, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Alfalfa, BP-1, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada, Wild Yam
Infection —CKLS, Garlic, Kelp, Slippery Elm (Catarrhal)
Inflammation —CKLS, Butcher's Broom, Devil's Claw
Insect Bites —Black Cohosh, Aloe Vera (Plant/Topical)
Insomnia —NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Mullein, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome —7 Day Cleanse, 12 Day Super Cleanse, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Itching —Yellow Dock, Burdock
Jaundice —Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Butcher's Broom, CKLS, Burdock, Wild Yam, Red Clover, BP-1, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Joints — Art & Yucca, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Sarsaparilla, Mullein (swollen)
Kidneys —CKLS, Dandelion, Uva Ursi, Astragalus, Milk Thistle, Hydrangea, Horsetail
Kidney Congestion —Milk Thistle
Kidney Stones —Hydrangea, Horsetail, CKLS, Dandelion, Uva Ursi, Astragalus, Milk Thistle
Labor Pains —Red Raspberry (daily; both for pre-conception; women from conception to post-nursing), Black Cohosh (see herbalist), Wild Yam (see herbalist)
Lactation —Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle (enriches milk)
Lactose Intolerance -Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Laxative —Aloe Vera Resin, CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada, HIR, Sk-F, Psyllium, Par-K Slim Pack, Senna (not recommended)
Leukemia —Red Clover, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Goldenseal, Power Purifier , Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Liver —CKLS, Burdock, Dandelion, Wild Yam, Red Clover, Milk Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Uva Ursi, Wormz-B-Gone, Cascara Sagrada, Hyssop, Irish Moss
Liver Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Liver Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Lock Jaw —Lobelia
Lumbago —Art (Arthritis), Yucca, Garlic, Black Cohosh, Celery (raw)
Lungs —Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Mullein, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om
Lungs (bleeding) —Mullein, Hyssop
Lupus —Alfalfa & C-1 & FE-Y & 4-PG & CKLS, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Lyme Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om
Lymphatic Congestion —Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop
Lymphoma —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Male Hormones —Saw Palmetto, Korean Red Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, RH & SH, Damiana, Power Balancer
Measles —Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Mental Illness —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, St. John's Wort (not recommended), NVS, Valerian, Lobelia
Memory — F-EY, Gotu Kola, Blessed Thistle, Gingko, Gingko & Gotu Kola, GGFC
Meningitis —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Meningococcal Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Menopause —AG-7, RH & SH, Damiana, Dong-Quai, Black Cohosh, Red Raspberry, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, AG-7, Power Balancer
Menstrual Cramps —Wild Yam, AG-7, Blessed Thistle
Menstruation —Pennyroyal, Damiana, AG-7, Red Raspberry
Menstruation (excessive) —Damiana, Nettle, Fibroid Tumor Package
Migraine Headache —Wood Betony, Lobelia, Black Seed, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Miscarriage —Red Raspberry, Lobelia, Wild Yam
Morning Sickness —Ginger, Wild Yam, Dried Papaya (chew well)
Mouth Sores —Freed-Om, Red Raspberry, Goldenseal, White Oak Bark, Sage, Chickweed, Cayenne, Echinacea, Wormz-B-Gone
Mucous Membrane —Comfrey & Fenugreek, C-FU, Red Raspberry, Mullein, Hyssop, Burdock, Lobelia, Slippery Elm, Licorice Root
Multiple Sclerosis —4-PG, FE-Y, Freed-Om, CKLS, NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Purifier
Mumps —Freed-Om, Lobelia
Muscle Pain —NVS, Valerian, Ginger, Wild Yam
Muscular Dystrophy —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Myopia (short sightedness) —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Nail Fungus — Tea Tree Oil, Oregano Oil
Narcolepsy —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Nausea —DA, Red Raspberry, Noni (Juice)
Nerves —NVS, Valerian, Red Clover, Mullein, Lobelia, Horsetail
Neuralgia —Devil's Claw, Wood Betony, Black Cohosh, St. John's Wort, Nettle
Nightmares —NVS, Suma, Schizandra, Blessed Thistle
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Nosebleeds —Horsetail, Butcher's Broom
Nursing Mothers —4-PG, Blessed Thistle (enriches milk), Red Raspberry, Black Seed
Osteoporosis —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Obesity —Chickweed, Par-K Slim Pack, Jump Rope, CKLS, Power Food, Nature's Promise, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Irish Moss, Dandelion, Kelp, Schizandra, water & meditation & movement & always have fruits or whole grains b4 noon & a large raw salad b4 meals
Otitis Media (Middle ear infection) —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Ovarian Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , AG-7, Power Balancer
Overweight —Par-K Slim Pack, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Simple 7 Day Challenge, Jump Rope, water & meditation & movement & always have fruits or whole grains b4 noon & a large raw salad b4 meals
Pain —NVS, Valerian, Wood Betony, Mullein, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Pancreas —Uva Ursi, Goldenseal, Vitamin C
Parasites —CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Black Walnut, Wormwood, Garlic, Goldenseal, Wormz-B-Gone, Horsetail, Power Cleanser
Parkinson's Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Pertussis —Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Piles —CKLS, Aloe Vera and Peppermint, Power Cleanser
Pituitary Gland —RH, SH, 4-PG, FE-Y, GGFC, Alfalfa, Korean Red Ginseng
Phlebitis —Butcher's Broom
Phlegm —Hyssop (hard), Comfrey & Fenugreek (See also Respiratory & Mucous)
Pleurisy —Mullein, Lobelia, Hyssop (See Respiratory)
Pneumonia —CKLS, C-FU, Lobelia, Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Hyssop
Poisoning —CKLS (for digestive cleansing), Freed-Om (for circulatory cleansing)
Poison Ivy/Oak —Yellow Dock, Wormz-B-Gone, Black Walnut
Pregnancy —4-PG, Ginger, Red Raspberry, Cascara Sagrada, Black Strap Molasses (available in health food stores only), Blessed Thistle, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser (when needed)
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) —AG-7, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer
Prostate —Saw Palmetto, RH&SH, SH, RH, FE-Y, Uva Ursi, Garlic, Nettle, Yucca, Butchers Broom
Prostate Cancer —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, RH & SH, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Prostate Disorder —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, RH & SH
Psoriasis —Freed-Om, Red Clover, Wormz-B-Gone, Sarsaparilla, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Pulmonary Diseases —Mullein
Pyorrhea —Goldenseal, Vitamin C, Black Seed, Capsicum
Respiratory —Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop
Rheumatism —Art (Arthritis) & CKLS, Yucca, Nettle, Devil's Claw, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Lobelia, Hydrangea (calcium deposits), Horsetail
Rheumatic Fever —Art (Arthritis) & CKLS, Lobelia
Ringworm —CKLS & Black Walnut, Black Walnut (for children; practicing vegans), Aloe Vera and Peppermint, Black Walnut, Wormwood, Garlic, Goldenseal, Wormz-B-Gone, Horsetail, Power Cleanser
SARS —Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om
Scarlet Fever —Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Seizures —FE-Y, Lobelia
Senility —GGFC, Gotu Kola, Gingko
Sexual Problems —RH & SH (both), RH, SH, Damiana(her), Korean Red Ginseng(him), Sarsaparilla, Power Balancer (both)
Sexually Transmitted Disease - Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier
Shingles —NVS, Valerian, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseall, Power Purifier
Shock —NVS, Valerian, CKLS
Sinus —Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Bee Pollen, CKLS
Skin Disorders —Chaparral, Sk-F, Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, Schizandra, Pure Shea Butter
Sickle Cell Anemia -4-PG, FE-Y
Sleep —NVS, Valerian, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Smoking —Chickweed, Lobelia, RH, SH, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Sores —Mullein
Sore Throat —CKLS, Licorice Root, Hyssop, Black Seed
Spasms —Wild Yam, Red Clover, Lobelia, NVS, Schizandra
Spleen —Freed-Om, CKLS, Astragalus, Uva Ursi
Sterility —RH & SH (both), RH (him), SH (him), CKLS (both), Damiana(her), Korean Red Ginseng(him)
Stomach —CKLS, Devil's Claw
Stress —NVS, Valerian, Suma, Schizandra, Blessed Thistle (hysteria)
Stroke (prevention) —Butcher's Broom, 4-PG, FE-Y, Gingko, CKLS, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Sunburn & Sunstroke —Olive Oil, Shea Butter
Surgery (healing from) —Milk Thistle, Pau D'Arco, Vitamin C (rose hips)
Surgery (preparation for) —Butcher's Broom
Swelling —CKLS, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Swollen Glands —Kelp, Irish Moss, Schizandra, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D' Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Syphilis —Black Walnut, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Teeth —CKLS, Goldenseal, Vitamin C, Black Seed, Capsicum, Horsetail, White Oak Bark
Teething — Red Raspberry, Ice (chips for baby to suck)
Thrombosis (blood clotting) —Butcher's Broom
Thrush -Power Food, Power Green
Thyroid —Kelp, CKLS, Irish Moss, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS
Tonsillitis —CKLS, Gotu Kola
Toothaches —Lobelia, Garlic, Pennyroyal, White Oak Bark
Toxins —7 Day Cleanse, 12 Day Super Cleanse, Red Clover, CKLS, Power Cleanser
Tuberculosis —Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Freed-Om, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop
Tumors —C-1, CKLS, Red Clover, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Goldenseal, Power Purifier
Ulcers —CKLS, Capsicum, Slippery Elm
Urination —Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Horsetail (suppressed, also ulcers), Butcher's Broom (scant)
Uterus (strengthen & tone) —Red Raspberry
Vaginitis —AG-7, Damiana, Dong Quai, Goldenseal
Varicose Veins —White Oak Bark, Butcher's Broom
Venereal Disease — Freed-Om
Vitality —RH, SH
Vomiting —CKLS, Red Raspberry, Ginger, Slippery Elm
Warts — Wormz-B-Gone, Chaparral, Black Walnut
Weight Loss —Par-K Slim Pack, Power Food, Irish Moss, Chickweed, 7 Day Cleanse, Super Cleanse, Simple 7 Day Challenge, Guide to Wholistic Healing Through Cleansing and Fasting, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Dandelion, Kelp, Schizandra, water & meditation & movement & always have fruits or whole grains b4 noon & a large raw salad b4 meals
Wheezing —Hyssop
Whooping Cough —Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator
Worms —Wormz-B-Gone, CKLS, Aloe Vera and Peppermint, Black Walnut, Lobelia, Hyssop
X-Rays (protection from) — Kelp, St. John's Wort (not recommended)
Yeast Infection — Goldenseal Douche (open 5 to 10 capsules and mix with 1 to 2 cups warm water), Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Power Purifier