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Abscesses —Slippery Elm, Burdock, Devil's Claw, Pau D'Arco

Acne —
Sk-F, Red Clover (See Blood Purifiers also), Shea Butter,

Age Spots —
Fo-Ti-Tieng, Gotu-Kola, FE-Y, RH, SH, Sk-F, Shea Butter

C-1 & CKLS & Chaparral & Freed-Om, Astragalus, Suma, Power Purifier , Red Clover, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Circulator

Air Pollution —
Devil's Claw, Vitamin C, Gotu Kola, Power Food , Mullein

Allergies —
Bee Pollen, RH, C-FU, Mullein (respiratory), Lobelia, Power Food , Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Circulator

Alzheimer's Disease —
Power Purifier , Freed-Om, Power Food , Power Green, CKLS, Power Cleanser, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Anemia —
4-PG, Alfalfa, Kelp, HE-RT, Dandelion, Capsicum, Power Green, Power Food, Black Strap Molasses (available in health food stores only)

Aneurysm —
Butcher's Broom, Gingkgo, Capsicum

Angina —
Blessed Thistle, Hawthorn Berries, Garlic, Ginger

Angina Pectoris —
Hawthorn Berries

Anxiety —
NVS, Valerian, Gingkgo, St. John's Wort, Black Cohosh, Wood Betony

Aphrodisiac —
RH & SH, Damiana, Yohimbe, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto

Appetite —

Arrhythmias —
Hawthorn Berries, Butcher's Broom, Gingkgo, Capsicum

Arteriosclerosis —
BP-1, Hawthorn Berries, Devil's Claw, Butcher's Broom

Arthritis —
Art & Yucca, Art, CKLS, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Yucca, Lobelia, Hydrangea (calcium deposits), Horsetail, Devil's Claw (also rheumatoid), Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Circulator

Astigmatism —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Asthma —
Bee Pollen, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Mullein, Nettle, Wild Yam, Lobelia (acute attack), Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Circulator

Autoimmune Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier


Back Pain —
Uva Ursi, Devil's Claw (lower), (Also see Arthritis)

Bad Breath —
Alfalfa, CKLS, DA, Goldenseal

Baldness —
HIR, Nettle, Horsetail

Bedwetting —
Uva Ursi, Horsetail, St. John's Wort

Bee Stings & Insect Bites —
Comfrey & Fenugreek

Benign Prostate(BPH) —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, RH & SH, Sarsaparilla,

Bipolar Disease (Manic-Depression) —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , St. John's Wort (not recommended), NVS, Valerian

Bladder —
Uva Ursi, Red Clover, Hydrangea (stones & infection), Horsetail, Devil's Claw (strengthens)

Bleeding —
Nettle (Internal & External), Horsetail (Internal)

Blood Pressure —
BP-1, BP-2, Devil's Claw, Garlic, Hawthorn Berries, HE-RT, Butcher's Broom, Dong Quai, Valerian, Gotu Kola, Capsicum, Nettle (high blood pressure)

Blood Purifier —
Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier

Blood Thinner -
Capsicum, HE-RT

Boils —
Freed-Om, Red Clover

Brain —
Blessed Thistle (circulation to), Gotu Kola, Gingko & Gotu Kola, FE- Y, GGFCFE-Y, Gingko, GGFC

Brain Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Breasts —
Damiana, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle

Breast Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Power Balancer, AG-7

Bronchitis —
Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Red Clover, Nettle, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss (chronic)

Bruises —
Art (Arthritis), Vitamin C, Comfrey & Fenugreek

Burns —
Comfrey & Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera (the plant)

Bursitis —
Art (Arthritis), CKLS, Yucca


Calcium Deposits —
Blessed Thistle

Cancer —
C-1, Suma, Red Clover, Blessed Thistle, Dandelion, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Candidiasis -
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Canker Sores —
Lobelia, Freed-Om

Capillary Weakness —
Butcher's Broom

Cataracts —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Catarrh —
Hyssop (chronic), Burdock, Lobelia

Celiac Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Cervical Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Power Balancer, AG-7

Chicken Pox —
Freed-Om, Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Purifier

Childbirth —
4-PG, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Lobelia, Red Raspberry

Childhood Diseases —
Lobelia, Yellow Dock, Burdock, Catnip Tea (everything for very small children)

Chlamydia —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Cholesterol —
Suma, Hawthorn Berries, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Yucca, Chickweed, Hyssop, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Chronic Illness —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om

Circulation —
Capsicum, Butcher's Broom, Dong Quai, Garlic, Suma, Horsetail, Blessed Thistle, Black Cohosh, Vitamin C

Cirrhosis —Milk Thistle

Cleansing —
CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada

Colds —
C-FU, Freed-Om, CKLS, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Astragalus, Red Raspberry, Garlic, Pennyroyal, Lobelia (expectorant), Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier

Colic —
CKLS, Ginger, Pennyroyal, Wild Yam

Colitis —
Slippery Elm, Goldenseal, Pau D'Arco, Licorice, Ginger, Cascara Sagrada, Dandelion

Colon —
CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Slippery Elm, Cascara Sagrada

Colon Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Congestion —
Lobelia, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Hyssop

Constipation —
CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser

Contagious Diseases —
BP-1, BP-2, Garlic, Lobelia

Convulsions —
RH, SH, NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Black Cohosh, Irish Moss

Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Coughs —
Licorice, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Hyssop, Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Cramps, Muscle —
Alfalfa, Comfrey & Fenugreek

Cramps, Stomach —

Crohn's Disease —
Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Croup —
NVS, Garlic, Mullein, Lobelia

Cystic Fibrosis —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier


Dandruff —
HIR, Sk-F, Wormz-B-Gone, Black Walnut, Burdock, Shea Butter

Depression —
NVS, F-EY, St. Johns Wort, Valerian, Blessed Thistle, Siberian Ginseng, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Dementia —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Gotu Kola, Gingko & Gotu Kola

Diabetes —
Uva Ursi & CKLS & 4-PG & FE-Y & Freed-Om, Goldenseal, Schizandra, Horsetail, Devil's Claw, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Diaper Rash —
Olive Oil, Slippery Elm, Shea Butter, Aloe Vera (the plant)

Diarrhea —
CKLS, DA, Red Raspberry, Nettle, Noni (Juice), Mullein, Slippery Elm, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Digestion —
DA, CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermin, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada,Wild Yam, Capsicum, Ginger

Dizziness —
CKLS, Aloe & Peppermin, 4-PG, Gingko, Schizandra

Douche —
Goldenseal, Garlic

Drug Withdrawals —
RH, SH, FE- Y & Freed-Om

Dysentery —
CKLS, SH, Nettle, Mullein, Hawthorn Berries


Earache —

Ear Infections —

Eczema —
Sk-F, CKLS, Nettle, Shea Butter, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Edema —
HE-RT, Hawthorn Berries, Garlic, Nettle

Emphysema —
Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia

Endurance & Energy —
Bee Pollen, Capsicum, GGFC, RH, SH, Miracle 2000, Dandelion, Olympic Tone, Fo-Ti-Tieng, Korean Red Ginseng, Suma, Schizandra

Epilepsy —
FE-Y, RH, SH, Lobelia

Eyes —
E-YE, Eyebright, Goldenseal, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Endometriosis —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Damiana & Freed-Om


Fatigue —
RH & SH, GGFC, Bee Pollen, Schizandra, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Female Problems —
AG-7, Blessed Thistle, Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Damiana, Dong Quai, Wild Yam, Sarsaparilla, Power Balancer

Fever —
NVS, Catnip(Children), Valerian, Red Raspberry, Lobelia, Blessed Thistle

Fever blisters —
Freed-Om, Power Purifier , (Also see Blood Purifiers)

Fibroid Tumors —
Damiana & Freed-Om & CKLS & C-1, Power Food /Power Green, Power Cleanser / CKLS, Freed-Om/Power Purifier , AG-7/Power Balancer/Damiana

Fibromyalgia —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Fingernails —
RH, SH, HIR, Kelp, Horsetail

Flu (Influenza any strain)—
C-FU, CKLS, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Astragalus, Black Seed, Red Raspberry, Garlic, Pennyroyal, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Food Poisoning —
Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS


Gallbladder & Gallstones —
CKLS & Olive Oil, Hydrangea, Blessed ThistleDandelion, White Oak Bark, Gotu Kola, Dandelion, root, Cascara Sagrada, Milk Thistle

Gas —
DA, CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada, Wild Yam

Genital Herpes —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Glands —
RH, SH, FE-Y, GGFC, 4-PG, Mullein (swollen), Schizandra, Irish Moss, Horsetail, Kelp, Black Seed, Noni (Juice)

Gonorrhea —
Freed-Om, Goldenseal; Hydrangea, Uva Ursi, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Goiter —
Kelp, Black Walnut, Irish Moss, Schizandra

Gout —
Art (Arthritis), Yucca, Alfalfa, Burdock, Nettle, Chickweed, Hydrangea, Butchers Broom, CKLS, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Lobelia, Horsetail, Devil's Claw

Gravel —
Butcher's Broom, Uva Ursi

Grave's Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Gums —


Hair Loss —
HIR, Horsetail, Nettle, Sage

Halitosis —
CKLS, Alfalfa, Parsley

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Hay Fever —
Comfrey & Fenugreek, 4-PG, Alfalfa, Bee Pollen, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Headache —
NVS, Ginger, Wood Betony, Lobelia, Devil's Claw, Blessed Thistle, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Heart —
HE-RT, Capsicum, Red Raspberry, Hawthorn Berries, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Schizandra, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Circulator

Heartburn —
7 Day Cleanse, 12 Day Super Cleanse, DA, CKLS, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermin, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada, Wild Yam

Hemochromatosis —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Hemorrhage External —
Capsicum, White Oak Bark, Mullein

Hemorrhage Internal —
Capsicum, White Oak Bark, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein

Hemorrhoids —
CKLS, White Oak Bark (external/soothing paste), Butcher's Broom

Hepatitis —
Freedom, C-1, 4-PG, F-EY, Milk Thistle, Lobelia, CKLS, Burdock, Dandelion, Wild Yam, Red Clover, BP-1, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Purifier

Hernia —
Capsicum, Ginger

Herpes —
Freed-Om, Power Purifier , Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

High Blood Pressure —
BP-1, BP-2, HE-RT, Noni (Juice), Garlic, Nettle, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Devil's Claw

Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om

Hoarseness —
Licorice Root

Hodgkin's Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Hormone Imbalance —
Damiana (fibroids; women for libido; men), AG-7(women), Power Balancer (both), BP-1(women), Red Raspberry(women), Black Cohosh(women), Wild Yam(women), Sarsaparilla (both), RH & SH (men; women for energy/libido), Saw Palmetto (men), Korean Red Ginseng (men)

Hot Flashes —
AG-7, Damiana, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Sarsaparilla, BP-1, Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam

HPV(Human Papilloma Virus) —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om

Hyperactivity —
NVS, Lobelia, Valerian

Hyperglycemia —
Capsicum, Burdock, Licorice Root

Hypoglycemia —
RH, SH, Burdock, Licorice Root, Noni (Juice)


Impotency —
RH & SH, Schizandra, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Indigestion —
CKLS, DA, Capsicum, Ginger, Power Cleanser, Aloe & Peppermint, Alfalfa, BP-1, Licorice, Noni (Juice), Pennyroyal, Red Raspberry, Slippery Elm, Wormwood, Cascara Sagrada, Wild Yam

Infection —
CKLS, Garlic, Kelp, Slippery Elm (Catarrhal)

Inflammation —
CKLS, Butcher's Broom, Devil's Claw

Insect Bites —
Black Cohosh, Aloe Vera (Plant/Topical)

Insomnia —
NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Mullein, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome —
7 Day Cleanse, 12 Day Super Cleanse, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Itching —
Yellow Dock, Burdock


Jaundice —
Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Butcher's Broom, CKLS, Burdock, Wild Yam, Red Clover, BP-1, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Joints —
Art & Yucca, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Sarsaparilla, Mullein (swollen)


Kidneys —
CKLS, Dandelion, Uva Ursi, Astragalus, Milk Thistle, Hydrangea, Horsetail

Kidney Congestion —
Milk Thistle

Kidney Stones —
Hydrangea, Horsetail, CKLS, Dandelion, Uva Ursi, Astragalus, Milk Thistle


Labor Pains —
Red Raspberry (daily; both for pre-conception; women from conception to post-nursing), Black Cohosh (see herbalist), Wild Yam (see herbalist)

Lactation —
Red Raspberry, Blessed Thistle (enriches milk)

Lactose Intolerance -
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Laxative —
Aloe Vera Resin, CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Cascara Sagrada, HIR, Sk-F, Psyllium, Par-K Slim Pack, Senna (not recommended)

Leukemia —
Red Clover, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Goldenseal, Power Purifier , Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Liver —
CKLS, Burdock, Dandelion, Wild Yam, Red Clover, Milk Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Uva Ursi, Wormz-B-Gone, Cascara Sagrada, Hyssop, Irish Moss

Liver Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Liver Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Lock Jaw —

Lumbago —
Art (Arthritis), Yucca, Garlic, Black Cohosh, Celery (raw)

Lungs —
Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Mullein, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om

Lungs (bleeding) —
Mullein, Hyssop

Lupus —
Alfalfa & C-1 & FE-Y & 4-PG & CKLS, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Lyme Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om

Lymphatic Congestion —
Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop

Lymphoma —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier


Male Hormones —
Saw Palmetto, Korean Red Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, RH & SH, Damiana, Power Balancer

Measles —
Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Mental Illness —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, St. John's Wort (not recommended), NVS, Valerian, Lobelia

Memory —
F-EY, Gotu Kola, Blessed Thistle, Gingko, Gingko & Gotu Kola, GGFC

Meningitis —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Meningococcal Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Menopause —
AG-7, RH & SH, Damiana, Dong-Quai, Black Cohosh, Red Raspberry, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, AG-7, Power Balancer

Menstrual Cramps —
Wild Yam, AG-7, Blessed Thistle

Menstruation —
Pennyroyal, Damiana, AG-7, Red Raspberry

Menstruation (excessive) —
Damiana, Nettle, Fibroid Tumor Package

Migraine Headache —
Wood Betony, Lobelia, Black Seed, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Miscarriage —
Red Raspberry, Lobelia, Wild Yam

Morning Sickness —
Ginger, Wild Yam, Dried Papaya (chew well)

Mouth Sores —
Freed-Om, Red Raspberry, Goldenseal, White Oak Bark, Sage, Chickweed, Cayenne, Echinacea, Wormz-B-Gone

Mucous Membrane —
Comfrey & Fenugreek, C-FU, Red Raspberry, Mullein, Hyssop, Burdock, Lobelia, Slippery Elm, Licorice Root

Multiple Sclerosis —
4-PG, FE-Y, Freed-Om, CKLS, NVS, Valerian, Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Power Purifier

Mumps —
Freed-Om, Lobelia

Muscle Pain —
NVS, Valerian, Ginger, Wild Yam

Muscular Dystrophy —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Myopia (short sightedness) —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator


Nail Fungus —
Tea Tree Oil, Oregano Oil

Narcolepsy —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Nausea —
DA, Red Raspberry, Noni (Juice)

Nerves —
NVS, Valerian, Red Clover, Mullein, Lobelia, Horsetail

Neuralgia —
Devil's Claw, Wood Betony, Black Cohosh, St. John's Wort, Nettle

Nightmares —NVS, Suma, Schizandra, Blessed Thistle

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Nosebleeds —
Horsetail, Butcher's Broom

Nursing Mothers —
4-PG, Blessed Thistle (enriches milk), Red Raspberry, Black Seed


Osteoporosis —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Obesity —
Chickweed, Par-K Slim Pack, Jump Rope, CKLS, Power Food, Nature's Promise, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Irish Moss, Dandelion, Kelp, Schizandra, water & meditation & movement & always have fruits or whole grains b4 noon & a large raw salad b4 meals

Otitis Media (Middle ear infection) —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Ovarian Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier , AG-7, Power Balancer

Overweight —
Par-K Slim Pack, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Simple 7 Day Challenge, Jump Rope, water & meditation & movement & always have fruits or whole grains b4 noon & a large raw salad b4 meals


Pain —
NVS, Valerian, Wood Betony, Mullein, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Pancreas —
Uva Ursi, Goldenseal, Vitamin C

Parasites —
CKLS, Aloe & Peppermint, Black Walnut, Wormwood, Garlic, Goldenseal, Wormz-B-Gone, Horsetail, Power Cleanser

Parkinson's Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Pertussis —
Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Piles —
CKLS, Aloe Vera and Peppermint, Power Cleanser

Pituitary Gland —RH, SH, 4-PG, FE-Y, GGFC, Alfalfa, Korean Red Ginseng

Phlebitis —
Butcher's Broom

Phlegm —
Hyssop (hard), Comfrey & Fenugreek (See also Respiratory & Mucous)

Pleurisy —
Mullein, Lobelia, Hyssop (See Respiratory)

Pneumonia —
CKLS, C-FU, Lobelia, Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Hyssop

Poisoning —
CKLS (for digestive cleansing), Freed-Om (for circulatory cleansing)

Poison Ivy/Oak —
Yellow Dock, Wormz-B-Gone, Black Walnut

Pregnancy —
4-PG, Ginger, Red Raspberry, Cascara Sagrada, Black Strap Molasses (available in health food stores only), Blessed Thistle, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser (when needed)

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) —
AG-7, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer

Prostate —
Saw Palmetto, RH&SH, SH, RH, FE-Y, Uva Ursi, Garlic, Nettle, Yucca, Butchers Broom

Prostate Cancer —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, RH & SH, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Prostate Disorder —
Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Power Balancer, RH & SH

Psoriasis —
Freed-Om, Red Clover, Wormz-B-Gone, Sarsaparilla, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Goldenseal, Power Purifier

Pulmonary Diseases —

Pyorrhea —
Goldenseal, Vitamin C, Black Seed, Capsicum


Respiratory —
Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle (strengthens), Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop

Rheumatism —
Art (Arthritis) & CKLS, Yucca, Nettle, Devil's Claw, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Lobelia, Hydrangea (calcium deposits), Horsetail

Rheumatic Fever —
Art (Arthritis) & CKLS, Lobelia

Ringworm —
CKLS & Black Walnut, Black Walnut (for children; practicing vegans), Aloe Vera and Peppermint, Black Walnut, Wormwood, Garlic, Goldenseal, Wormz-B-Gone, Horsetail, Power Cleanser


Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator, Power Purifier , Freed-Om

Scarlet Fever —
Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier

Seizures —
FE-Y, Lobelia

Senility —
GGFC, Gotu Kola, Gingko

Sexual Problems —
RH & SH (both), RH, SH, Damiana(her), Korean Red Ginseng(him), Sarsaparilla, Power Balancer (both)

Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, Freed-Om, Power Purifier

Shingles —
NVS, Valerian, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseall, Power Purifier

Shock —
NVS, Valerian, CKLS

Sinus —
Comfrey & Fenugreek, Mullein, Bee Pollen, CKLS

Skin Disorders —
Chaparral, Sk-F, Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, Schizandra, Pure Shea Butter

Sickle Cell Anemia -
4-PG, FE-Y

Sleep —
NVS, Valerian, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Smoking —
Chickweed, Lobelia, RH, SH, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Sores —

Sore Throat —
CKLS, Licorice Root, Hyssop, Black Seed

Spasms —
Wild Yam, Red Clover, Lobelia, NVS, Schizandra

Spleen —
Freed-Om, CKLS, Astragalus, Uva Ursi

Sterility —
RH & SH (both), RH (him), SH (him), CKLS (both), Damiana(her), Korean Red Ginseng(him)

Stomach —
CKLS, Devil's Claw

Stress —
NVS, Valerian, Suma, Schizandra, Blessed Thistle (hysteria)

Stroke (prevention) —
Butcher's Broom, 4-PG, FE-Y, Gingko, CKLS, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Sunburn & Sunstroke —
Olive Oil, Shea Butter

Surgery (healing from) —
Milk Thistle, Pau D'Arco, Vitamin C (rose hips)

Surgery (preparation for) —
Butcher's Broom

Swelling —
CKLS, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier

Swollen Glands —
Kelp, Irish Moss, Schizandra, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D' Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier

Syphilis —
Black Walnut, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier


Teeth —
CKLS, Goldenseal, Vitamin C, Black Seed, Capsicum, Horsetail, White Oak Bark

Teething —
Red Raspberry, Ice (chips for baby to suck)

Thrombosis (blood clotting) —
Butcher's Broom

Thrush -
Power Food, Power Green

Thyroid —
Kelp, CKLS, Irish Moss, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS

Tonsillitis —
CKLS, Gotu Kola

Toothaches —
Lobelia, Garlic, Pennyroyal, White Oak Bark

Toxins —
7 Day Cleanse, 12 Day Super Cleanse, Red Clover, CKLS, Power Cleanser

Tuberculosis —
Mullein, Capsicum, Comfrey & Fenugreek, Lobelia, Irish Moss, Blessed Thistle, Slippery Elm, Astragalus, C-FU, Freed-Om, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Goldenseal, Power Purifier Black Seed, Red Clover, Nettle, Garlic, Irish Moss, Hyssop

Tumors —
C-1, CKLS, Red Clover, Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Goldenseal, Power Purifier


Ulcers —
CKLS, Capsicum, Slippery Elm

Urination —
Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Horsetail (suppressed, also ulcers), Butcher's Broom (scant)

Uterus (strengthen & tone) —
Red Raspberry


Vaginitis —
AG-7, Damiana, Dong Quai, Goldenseal

Varicose Veins —
White Oak Bark, Butcher's Broom

Venereal Disease —

Vitality —

Vomiting —
CKLS, Red Raspberry, Ginger, Slippery Elm


Warts —
Wormz-B-Gone, Chaparral, Black Walnut

Weight Loss —
Par-K Slim Pack, Power Food, Irish Moss, Chickweed, 7 Day Cleanse, Super Cleanse, Simple 7 Day Challenge, Guide to Wholistic Healing Through Cleansing and Fasting, Power Green, Power Cleanser, Dandelion, Kelp, Schizandra, water & meditation & movement & always have fruits or whole grains b4 noon & a large raw salad b4 meals

Wheezing —

Whooping Cough —
Lobelia, Power Food, Power Green, Power Cleanser, CKLS, HE-RT, Power Circulator

Worms —
Wormz-B-Gone, CKLS, Aloe Vera and Peppermint, Black Walnut, Lobelia, Hyssop


(protection from) — Kelp, St. John's Wort (not recommended)


Yeast Infection —
Goldenseal Douche (open 5 to 10 capsules and mix with 1 to 2 cups warm water), Freed-Om, Astragalus, Burdock, Dandelion, Yucca, Sarsaparilla, Hyssop, Pau D'Arco, Chaparral, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Power Purifier