Sulfate of Soda will complete the cycle of those born between April 21 and May 21. When this mineral is not normal in the body, the body will experience mental and emotional imbalance, and loss of energy. Complaints from lack of this mineral are emotional temperament, overindulgence in eating and drinking, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, goiter, and bronchial afflictions. Sulfate of Soda can be obtained from eating beets, spinach, horseradish, Swiss chard, cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, onions, and pumpkins; or in a special Herbal Formula called TAU (TAURUS).
Ingredients: Burdock, Gotu Kola, Aloe Vera, Kelp, Uva Ursi, Yarrow, and Capsicum.
Each bottle contains 100 Capsules. This product contains no fillers, binders or other additives. Each capsule is a Vegicap®, a 100% vegetarian capsule.